We strive to serve a community with a unique history and location in a city with a diverse group of people and challenges.
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Christian Action for Empowering Church and Community (CAFECC)
CAFECC has been partners with PEER Servants since 2005. PEER is a volunteer-based non-governmental organization in Boston, Massachusetts (USA) that partners with indigenous Christian microfinance institutions worldwide. They currently partner in ten countries, four of which are in Africa.
PEER Servants has a unique vision in partnering with CAFECC. While PEER is a CAFECC donor, it also partners closely with us to develop staff skills, advise our board, and understand our client base on a personal level. PEER is interested not only in donating funds, time, and energy to CAFECC, but also intentionally learning from us and uniting with us to follow Christ better.
In addition, PEER Servants hosts a periodic international conference with representatives from all its partners, an experience that has created personal connections between CAFECC leaders and other Christian MFIs around the globe, in places like the Philippines, Moldova, India, Sri Lanka, Guatemala, Peru, and beyond.
We are excited about learning from many of these programs, which range from start-ups to established institutions with thousands of clients, how to serve the community of Arua better.
PEER Servants sends volunteers to Arua, Uganda to visit CAFECC nearly once a year. PEER Servants has hosted many networking opportunities for its African partners in Arua, and CAFECC has helped host the events.
If you are interested in learning more about PEER Servants and its global vision, you can visit PEER Servants’ website at www.peerservants.org.